Step 2: Integration
a. Import the SDK Module
1. Copy the ${sdkFolder}/visa-sensory-branding-sdk module to your project, it's a pre-configured Gradle module for visa-sensory-branding-${sdkVersion}.aar.
2. Add the SDK module to your own modules' build.gradle(.kts) by the below code:
3. Click Gradle Sync button of Android Studio to load the SDK.
4. You can find the integration examples under folders inside the package.
b. Initialisation
Import the Visa Sensory Branding class reference into source files as necessary.
c. Animate
Activates the Visa Sensory Branding animation.
There are 3 possible error messages (Error#getMessage()):
Previous animation still in progress, cannot start new animation
Please wait for a while till animation displays
Alpha channel is not supported for backdrop color
Please choose a different background color
Invalid background color selected, contrast levels are below 3:1 against #FFFFFF #1434CB
Please choose a different background color
d. Sizing & Layout
You can choose to have the Visa animation render in full screen on a device, or in a constrained view in context of other UI elements. To render in full screen, simply initialize the container to fit device height and width and set background color to same as backdropColor. For constrained view, specify the width of SensoryBrandingView during initialization.
The width of the animation object will not be larger than 60% of the screen's width. If the width is set to be larger, it will be resized to be 60% of the screen's width.
The width of the animation object will not be smaller than 20% of the screen's width. If the width is set to be smaller, it will be resized to be 20% of the screen's width.
e. Animation Configuration Parameters
Language Code
Define the language of the texts present below the checkmark
Backdrop Color
The color behind the animation, used to determine the Visa logo colors. Specify Visa Blue(#1434CB) for a white Visa logo. Specify White(#FFFFFF) for a blue Visa logo. Any other color will result in either blue or white color applied to the Logo, depending on contrast.
Note: Do not set backdropColor with simi-transparent color or make it transparent.
Set to true to enable sound. (true by default)
This parameter enables/disables checkmark screen after visa logo animation:
Checkmark Mode includes:
CheckmarkMode.CHECKMARK: shows checkmark at the end of the animation without text
CheckmarkMode.CHECKMARK_WITH_TEXT: shows checkmark and checkmark text at the end of the animation (default)
CheckmarkMode.NONE: no checkmark at the end of the animation
Checkmark Text includes:
CheckmarkTextOption.COMPLETE (default)
Last updated